It's opening night and the curtain has just lowered on the final scene of your new show. The audience rises with wild applause and cheers that make you swell with pride from the back of the theater. Suddenly you feel a pat on your back and when you turn around you see it's your theatrical idol and mentor there to congratulate you and shower you with compliments that you always knew you deserved.
You've finally proven everyone who ever told you "it's a pipe dream" WRONG! You did it.
. . . does this dream sound familiar?
Unfortunately, this dream stays a dream for most theater makers because they go about getting produced the same way as everyone else . . . blind submissions, inviting producers who are total strangers to you, praying an angel investor will come knocking at your door . . .
But what if we told you that there's another way to get produced?
A way that most producers would never tell you because, honestly, the game is rigged and odds are not stacked in your favor. There's a power dynamic in this industry, as in any industry, that puts the power into a few "elite" people's hands making it almost impossible to get your foot in the door.
If we offered to show you a new strategy and reveal to you our secrets of getting produced, even if you're a total unknown right now . . . would you take us up on it?